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Interviews-by Erbil Gunasti & Daphne Barak Film & Television Producers Geo-Political Subject Matter Experts

Feb 15 Can Kamiloglu of VOA published "Trump'la Erdogan'i anlatan kitap: "Gamecahnger"
on VOA
By: Can Kamiloglu
In English

Feb 17 Oyundegistirici Gamechanger Trump ve Erdogan arasindaki iliskilerin bilinmeyen yonleri

Feb 17 Daily Sabah of Turkey: "Author Gunasti brought Erdogan and Trump together in the GAMECHANGER"
Click below to read the article in Turkish
Click below to read the article in Turkish

Feb 18 Daily Sabah of Turkey also published reactions to the "IKI KASIMPASALI" titled article with statements, concerning the GAMECHANGER by Gunasti, coming from Mssrs. Mahir Unal and Cevdet Yilmaz, Deputy Chairmen of the ruling AK Party
In the above photo: Erbil Gunasti, Ambassador of Turkey to the US Serdar Kilic and Daphne Barak
In the above photo: Erbil Gunasti, Ambassador of Turkey to the US Serdar Kilic and Daphne Barak

Feb 18 Pastor Young interviewed Gunasti

Press Release
To Plea or Not To Plea
Press Release

March 2020 Erskine interviewed Gunasti

April 11 Gunasti interview by Ron Boat

April 30 Gunasti interview by Pastor Greg Young focused on the realignment of the world in the post Corona environ and how Turkey and the US have to work together
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